How will I know if I need counseling?

Many people ask this question with the belief that therapy should only be something that people pursue when they are really in a dark place, but therapy can be focused on improving on areas of yourself as much as it can be about getting through difficult times. If you are questioning if you might benefit from an outside perspective on your life on a situation you’re experiencing it is worth reaching out to find an answer, and if your therapist thinks that you might benefit more from an alternative route of treatment she will tell you that at any point throughout the therapeutic process.

What issues are okay to address through counseling?

Every counselor specializes in and has skills regarding specific concerns in the field of mental health, with limits on their ability to provide counseling to clients that are outside of their experience and skill set. If you are unsure that your issue is appropriate for your therapist or you are wondering if another approach might be more beneficial, please include the specific concern you are looking to address when you reach out to connect with a therapist and we will be able to offer direction and support.

How will I know if my counselor is a good fit for me?

Generally most people feel a little guarded or nervous going into their first session, but if you are questioning the connection between yourself and your therapist or are not sure that their treatment approach is working for you, it is always important to bring this up either during or outside of session to address this concern. Sometimes certain counseling approaches do not work as well with some individuals as they might with others, but as a professional your therapist will want to hear those concerns and discuss changes that can be made to the treatment process or a referral to a provide who can better meet your needs.

What should I expect from my first session?

Many people feel nervous going into their first counseling session, so it can help to know a little of what to expect. As a professional, your therapist’s priority during the first session is to ensure a comfortable and safe environment for you be open about your feelings and experiences and to identify your goals for the counseling experience. Initial assessments can involve many questions to help the therapist understand your situation and your needs, but becoming comfortable in being open with your therapist can take time and patience. You have the right in any session to state that you need more time to become comfortable before opening up on any given subject.

How does teletherapy work? How will I know if it’s right for me?

Teletherapy offers an easy and convenient way of you connecting with your therapist through your phone, tablet or computer in the comfort of your own home. Our telehealth portal is simple to use and can be accessed with the click of a link that is sent to your email. All paperwork can be seen and signed online through telehealth dashboard, and is easy and straightforward to access. Telehealth sessions require you to make sure you can find somewhere quiet and private in your own space and with good access to internet connection to engage with your counselor, but if you meet those requirements then teletherapy may be right for you. If you have any concerns about the teletherapy portal or if your case is right for teletherapy, please inform your counselor at your initial appointment.

How long will I need to be in therapy and how will I know when I’m better?

There is no straightforward answer to this question, as each person is complicated with many aspects of their experience to consider and each person sets different goals going into counseling. Your therapist will work with you to ensure that how often you are seen for sessions works with your needs and availability, and will communicate when the goals for the counseling process are met. Goals for therapy are generally established at the beginning of sessions, and when the client meets those goals from their own point of view as well as the counselor’s, the client is free to graduate from therapy or decide on new goals they would like to pursue.

Can I receive a formal diagnosis from therapy and can I be put on medication?

Yes, and also no. A licensed mental health counselor can provide a professional DSM diagnosis after completing an assessment through teletherapy, but since your counselor is not a psychiatrist, providing a prescription is not possible. Your counselor is trained in and aware of psychotropic medications though as well as their impact on your system, and can make appropriate referrals for medications if that appears to be the most beneficial way forward in treatment for you as the client. The most effective approach to treatment is to ensure open communication between the counselor, the client and the prescribing physician to work toward goals as a team.